2012年2月27日 星期一

Koingo Software Image Smith v1.2.2 MacOSX

音速小子  股市分析  楊丞琳

商品名稱: Koingo Software Image Smith v1.2.2 MacOSX

商品分類: 麥金塔專用軟體

商品類型: 圖像批量處理軟體

語系版本: 英文正式版

運行平台: 蘋果電腦 Mac OS X

更新日期: 2011-10-26




Image Smith是一款圖像批量處理軟體,支援多種常見的圖像格式,如JPG、GIF、PNG。功能:包




Image Smith is a powerful batch image processing tool. With a

variety of features you can easily scale, reorient, recolorize,

convert, and flatten images. Image Smith can open numerous

different picture file types, and output in the most common

industry standard formats like JPEG, GIF, and PNG.

Use the numerous predefined presets in Image Smith to scale or

stretch images down to formats suitable for web banners, e-mailing

photos, backups, and more! This is ideal for taking large photos

from your camera, which may be upwards of five megabytes each, and

scaling and converting them down to a manageable size of only a

few hundred kilobytes.

Many power-user features are also included: changing the color

levels, applying a sepia effect, inverting, changing the contrast,

auto-levelling, extracting image masks, and rotating by angle.

Additionally, also easily preview the effect of the settings

before processing the entire set.


