2012年2月26日 星期日

Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 3 v3.12.0257

大陸劇  鋼彈  超理解數學

商品名稱: Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 3 v3.12.0257

商品分類: 繪圖、圖像、靜態影像軟體

商品類型: 照片優化軟體

語系版本: 英文正式版

運行平台: Windows XP/Vista/7

更新日期: 2010-08-22




Ashampoo Photo Optimizer - 所有您迫切需要的照片編輯功能。


輯軟體與此類似 — 雖然擁有強大的圖形編輯器,但是大多數情況下都僅使用其部分功能。

Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 可迅速潤飾數碼照片。一切都是如此簡單,永遠無需閱讀說明

手冊 — 在採用即拍即得功能後,隻需單擊滑鼠便可完成一切。 Ashampoo Photo Optimizer



You'll love Ashampoo Photo Optmizer 3 if you've ever

struggled with all the complicated settings in a graphics

editor. Just select a photo and click Optimize. Suddenly a

dull photo starts to shine. There's nothing to configure,

you really just select and click. The results look

attractive and natural, not artificially boosted. You can

also optimize all your photos with a single click, it's

just as easy as a single photo. Also correcting the dreaded

red eye effect in flash photos is just as easy: Just

roughly select the part of the photo containing the red

eyes and click, Photo Optimizer does all the rest. You

don't have to make a precise selection, the red area is

found and corrected automatically. Here too, the result

looks attractively natural and you get it instantly,

without having to spend hours studying a manual.


